• +61424606737
  • summayyahsadiq@comxtra.com

Asalam Alaykum - Peace be on you.

Welcome to ComXtra Here, lives form, reform and transform Welcome to ComXtra Counselling | Coaching
Creativity consulting
You’ve taken the first step. Let’s walk the next
few miles together and explore what lies ahead.
Welcome to ComXtra
Change can be the last thing we want in our life,
but the first thing we need for our life to change.
-Summayyah Sadiq-Ojibara Welcome to ComXtra


I help grow awareness, guide aspirations and take gainful actions.


DEW Counselling

It is about finding Direction, being Empowered and attaining Wellness. I invite you to come on a journey of HEALing; getting Help and having Hope, managing Expectations and showing Empathy, Deepening Awareness and Practicing Acceptance, Learning life and Living with Love. I hope to help you HEAL.

Explore Dew >>



It is not enough to dream a life of meaning; we must dare and do life with mindfulness for our life to have meaning.

I walk and work with you on ways to learn, unlearn and relearn life and living meaningfully, mindfully, masterfully.

Learn  More>>


Creativity Consulting

In each of us is a world of ideas, imagination and inspiration, and I am abundantly favored with what I call, my superpowers of creative intelligence. I want to share some of mine with you, help unlock, direct and employ some of yours and together co-create wonder and awemazement in your life, in the world, with your programmes, events and activities.

Find out more>>

Summayah Sadiq-Ojibara
Founder/CEO CKC-DEW Counselling
Psychotherapist | Counsellor | Writer
MCouns&PsychTh, GradDipCouns. B.A (Hon) 

About Summayyah

I am a student of life, journeying through this world being, unbecoming and becoming. I strive to live with consciousness, in my person, with my presence, towards my purpose, in my pursuits and performance in life. I am a force of nature, forged by faith. I have faculties of intention, intelligence and intuition, facilities of extensive training and experience and deep fascination for people; our physiology and psychology, the diversities of culture and experience, complexities of life and living, the marvel and miracles of creation and the Artistry and Attributes of The Creator.

My Books

Time Travels In My Worlds

A Journal of Life’s Transitions, Truths and Treasures

Time Travel in My Worlds…Is a collection of autobiographical accounts, motivational essays and soulful poems that takes us on a ride across diverse plains of thoughts, ideas and experiences? It is a journal of personal stories, reflections and insights on life’s journey in the many worlds of Summayyah.

ComXtra Knowledge Concepts is a Counselling, Coaching, Creativity Consult that seeks to empathize, enable, enhance, energize, empower and elevate, communication in and for individuals, in human relationships and systems, in extraordinary ways by learning, in living and through life.

Summayyah Sadiq-Ojibara
Counsellor and Psychotherapist
Email: summayyahsadiq@comxtra.com
Website: www.comxtra.com